Address: Air Headquarters, Old Airport Building, PAF Base Nur Khan, Rawalpindi

Phone: 051-9525213, 9525219, Cell # 0313-6477433

1. Applications are invited from reputable firms/ contractors for construction of Infrastructure works road, sewerage,
drainage, external electrfication, water supply UGHWT, OHWT and bulding works for housing scheme, at Sahiwal. Fims/
Contractors, having suticent experienoe and valid Pakistan Engineering Councl (PEC) registration may partiopate in
prequalfcaton process are to be submited
(a) Valid registration with Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) in C-5 or above categories
b) National Tax Number (NTN)
(c)Income Tax deposit in Govt Treasury, tl date with Fler / Non fler status from FBR
(d) Company profile i.e type of construction projects, the organization of the company, number of years in business
area/ allocation of business etc.
(e) Certed copy of the compary's liconses to aperate the business (company registraion certficate artcles of
0 List of general constfrucion works, undertaken in past three years, with name and addresses of clients and conlract
9) List of minimum three simlar construction works, undertaken in last fve yoars. It must demonstrate that the frm has
Successtuly camied aut works of simlar nature, size, value and complexty
(h) CVs of key perscnnel in the company
9Latest financial stabements
0) List of plant and equipment (equipment owned or hired by the fim)
0) Enlistment with Govt Agencies, if any
(m) Afidavit on stamp paper that the fem in not blacklisted by any Govemment Organization
(n) Bank draft of Rs 5,000/-(Rupees five thousand only) in favour of "Directorate of Housing, Air headquarters,
Islamabad", as processing fee (Non-Relundabie)
2. The undersigned reserves he nght to rejoct ary or all documents and assumes no obligaton or responsibility
whatsoever, to compensale or indemnity the participating fims for any expenses or loss that may be incured for the
preparation of the documents. Submission of an Expression of Interest does not guarantee that the work will be awarded to
any participating company/film
3. Application along with the abovementioned documents must reach the office of the undersigned, within 10 days from the
date of advertisement
Directorate of Housing
Air Headquarters, Old Airport Building, PAF Base Nur Khan, Rawalpindi
Tel: 051-9525213, 9525219, Cell # 0313-6477433, Email:

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