Address: Rawalpindi / Islamabad 

    @ Express 



1. Chief Engineer, Irigation Potohar Zone Rawalpindi lslamabad, Government of

Punijab, Irigation Department intends to hire the services of elgble

engineering consuting firmslloint ventures for performing consutancy services


LATEE DAM SITE, DISTRICT TALAGANG" which is approved project under

ADP 2022-23 at the cost of 49.255 milion.

2 The Consultants are required to perform/provide engineering services for

feasibility study& detaied design of Latee dam site in Distict Talagang

Consultants wil ascertain needs/scope of field data colecion, supervsion

colecion of geotechnical investigatiors, topographic sunveys and material

testing, detailed deliberations& consideration of diferent altlernatives

preparation of complete Feasbiltly Studies, Detailed design i Construcion

drawings of all component structures of the project, On the basis of detailed

designs, prepare PC- detaied estimates of project along with BOQ's and

tender documents. Preparation of qualfication criteria of contractors and any

other responsibilty entrusted by the clent to achieve the project goal will

enfrely be the responsibilty of consultants.

The duration af Consutancy would be two (06) months from commenoement

date ot Agreement

Expressions of Inevest (EOl) are invied fam fimsjoint ventures of fims (not

more than 3 fims) regstered ith Pakistan Engineening Councl who have gat

themselves renewed for the curent fiscal year by submting following

ntmationidocuments (as mentoned in Pre-Qualiftcaton Document. In case

of a Joint Venture, relevant informaion in respect of the lead fim and al its

partners shal be provided.

Name, address, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address of


Ownership and organizational stucture of the Consultants.

Certficate of Incorporationl Registraton of the fim as legal entity with

Secunities and Exchange Commision or Registrar of fim.

Regstaton of fim wih Pakistan Engineering Counci (PEC) and atest

renewal letter

Affidavit/ undertaking that the fim is nether blackisted by any

Govenment Semi Govenment Organizalion nor is under any Iigaton.

Certfcate of Natonal Tax Number with the FBR and wiah PRA for PST


List of fve (03) similar assignments in tolal undertaken during last ten

(10) years indicating project cost and cost of consultancy services, share

of assignment in case of , key stai time input and description of the

nature and sope of services along with startlcompletion date.

Audited statements/ reports of aocounts (cartfied), annual tunover and

working capital for last 03 years

List Short CVs of key relevant staffpemanertly employed with the frm.

Total professional strength on permanent rol of the fim (with more than

2 years stay with firm)

6 Futher infomation and prequalficaton documents can be obtained from the

office of Chief Engineer, Imigaton Potchar Zone Rawapindi/ slamabad.

Irnigation Department, Rawal Dam Colony, Isamabad and Executive Engineer

Smal Dams Division, Chakwal at District Complex on Chakna-Talagang

Road. The cost of PQDis Rs 1500

7 The Selection of Consutants shal be processed in accordance wih the PPRA

Rues, 2014 amerded up to datle. The selection of Consutants would be done

inacordance with Qualty ard Cost Based Selection (QCES)

The EOl (One original and three copies) must reach the offce of Chief

Engineer, Irigation Pctchar Zone Rawapindi I samabad, Irigation

Department, Rawal Dam Colony, Islamabad (Ph# 051-9255749) up to

31.01.2023 at 12:30 Hrs and wil be cpened on same date at 13:00 Hrs.

Irigation Department wil not reimburse any cost or expenses incured in

connection with preparaionidelvery of EOl or vists to any offce cr site.

Procuring Agency may reject al proposas at any time prior to aceplance of

bis or proposals in accoudarce wth Clause 35 of PPRA Rules 2014

10 Interested fms are advised to address their E0l submissions and enquiries to

he Chief Enginer, Irigaton Potchar Zone Ranalpindi Islamabad, Iriçation

Department, Ranal Dam Calony, Islamabad.

Executive Engineer

Chakwal Dams Division,


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