Closing March 6, 2023
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TENDER NOTICE TRDP REF:-1289/January/2023/02 Thardeep Rural Development Programme (TRDP) is non-profit and non-governmental
the organization is implementing a project with the support of Concern Worldwide. TRDP invites
sealed tenders from registered suppliers for the supply of the following items at 4 districts
Mirpurkhas, Sanghar, Shaheed Benazirabad, and Jacobabad, Sindh. LOT NO ITEMS Provision of tool kits for Skill Training on Women's Garments Details in Tender Pack 1 Terms & Conditions: SPECIFICATION REQUIRED 1. Tender documents can be collected from TRDP Hyderabad Office, on February 28, 2023,
to March 5, 2023. Monday to Friday. The tender pack can also be downloaded
from our website Interested bidders who download the bid documents
from the website will be required to deposit the tender fee along with their bid. 2. Sealed tenders should reach
TRDP Hyderabad Office: House # C-2 Zeeshan Housing. Street 01, Citizen Colony, Qasimabad,
Hyderabad on or before 2:00 PM March 6, 2023, and should be clearly marked
"TENDER- Not to be opened before "12:00 PM on March 6, 2023. 3. Tenders will be opened on March 6, 2023, at 2:30 PM in the presence of suppliers or their representatives, who wish to witness the tender opening. 4. In case a public holiday is announced by the Government (Due to any reason)
the tender will be opened the next working day at the same time and venue. loading/ 5. The prices must be inclusive of all taxes, delivery/transportation, unloading, packaging,
and allied costs up to the point of delivery. 6. A pay order/ demand draft in favor of "Thardeep Rural
Development Programme" with a value of 5% of the bid amount must also
accompany the bid as Tender Guarantee. Bids received without Tender
Guarantee may be rejected. If the selected bidder refuses to sign the supply contract,
TRDP reserves the right to forfeit the bid security. 7. Bids received without samples may be rejected. 8. The Supplier must quote only one option for each item. Bids received with
more than one option and rates may be rejected. A partial quotation for any lot will be rejected. 9. Tender committee reserves the right to change the quantities or cancel/ reject any or all offers without assigning any reason. 10. Suppliers must not
be engaged in any corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, or coercive practices including
but not limited to applying bidding by multiple names/companies. If any bidder is
found to be involved in such practices his/her bid may be rejected and the
companies in question permanently blacklisted experience will also be considered. 11. Lowest price will not be the sole criteria; quality, delivery time, and previous TRDP Hyderabad Office: House # C-2 Zeeshan Housing, Street 01, Citizen Colony, Qasimabad, Hyderabad.