Country: Pakistan Name of Project: Higher Education Development in Pakistan (HEDP) Contract(s) Title: Procurement of Laptops Loan No./Credit No./ Grant No.: 6438-PK

1. The Higher Education Commission "HEC" has received financing from the World Bank
toward the cost of the Higher Education Development in Pakistan "HEDP" and intends to
apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the Purchase Order(s)/ Agreement(s)
"PO" for Procurement of Laptops. This procurement process will be conducted following
the Request for Quotations "RFQ" method as specified in the World Bank's "Procurement
Regulations for IPF Borrowers" July 2016, revised November 2017 and August 2018
("Procurement Regulations"), and is open to all eligible suppliers as defined in the
Procurement Regulations and the procedures described herein.

Suppliers are invited to submit their priced quotations for Procurement of Laptops as follows/per specification/requirement cited in Section III for entire items under each 'Lot' of this RFQ. Quotations for (single item or) items fewer than what is required/covered under each Lot as tabulated below will not be accepted and evaluated. However, quotations may be submitted for one or any number of 'Lots' completed in all aspects as follows. The evaluation and award of individual PO will be on the basis of 'Lots'. Priced quotations will be evaluated for all the requirements/ items under each lot together and individual PO will be awarded to the supplier offering the lowest evaluated total cost for each lot (not the price of every item separately).
Core i7 12th Generation Laptops/Eqv or above Core i5 12th Generation Laptops/Eqv or above

The quotations should be accompanied by adequate technical documentation and
catalogue(s) and other printed material or pertinent information for each item quoted,
including names and addresses of firms providing after-sales service facilities in Pakistan.

The complete RFQ document is available at news/Pages/
TendersRFPs.aspx. Interested eligible suppliers, in case of any query, may email at or visit the office of the Project Coordinator (HEDP),
HEC, H-9/4, Islamabad during business hours on any working day latest by three working
days till the deadline for quotation submission date.

The quotations shall be submitted (in person or by post) by / before 1300 hours on
April 10, 2023, as per the format given in the RFQ and marked as "Procurement of Laptops"
, addressed to:

PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST (HEDP) Project Coordination Unit (PCU) Higher Education Development in Pakistan
(HEDP) Project Higher Education Commission, Sector H-9, Islamabad, Pakistan PID (1) No. 5881/22 051-90402806

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