Chief Engineer, Irigation Potohar Zone Rawalpindi lslamabad, Govermment of
Puniab, Irigation Department intends to hire the services of elgible
engineering consulting fimslloint ventures for perfoming consutancy services
LATEE DAM SITE, DISTRICT TALAGANG" which is approved project under
ADP 2022-23 at the cost of 49.255 milion.

2 Tne Consuants are required to perfomlprovide engineeing senices for
eastbilty study & detaied design of Latee dam ste in Disticd Talagang.
Consutanls wil ascertain needsiscope of feld data collecdon, supervision
collecion of geotechnical inestigašors, topographic surveys and maeal
testing, delaied deliberaions & conside ation oft diferent altematives,
preparalion of complete Feasibility Sudies, Detailed design / Construction
drawings of all omponent sthuctues of the project, On the bass of delaled
designs, prepare PCAI detaled estimates of project along with BOQ's and
tender doumerts. Preparation of qualfcation citeria of contractors and any
ofher responsiblity ertrusted by the dlent to achieve the project goal wll
entirely be the responsiblity of consutanls.

3 The procedure of these works will be as per quality assurance, prccedures and
nstucdons laid down by he department. The works invove expertise in the
felds of ciwi, bydrology, tydrauic, agioutural, structural geotechnical
geoiogical engnerng, enironmental enginering., resetlement and land
acquisition etc

4 The duration of Consultancy would be two (08) months from commencemet
date of Agreement

5 Expressicns of Interest (EOl) are invited from frmsjoint ventures of finns (
move than 3 ims) registered with Pakistan Engineering Counil who have got
themselves renewed for the curent fscal year by submting folowng
intormaionldocuments (as mentioned in Pre-Qualification Documet). In case
of a Joint Venture, relevant intomation in respect of he lead frm and allis
partners shal be provided.

Name, adcress, telephone and fax numbers and e-mai address of
Ownership and ogarizational stucture of the Consutants
Certficate of Incorporationl Registration of the frm as legal entity with
Securites and Exchange Cormmission or Registrar of fm.
Ragistration of fim with Pakistan Engineering Coundl (PEC) and letest
renewal leter.
Affidavt/ undertaking that the fim is nether blackisled by any
Goverrmert'Semi Govermment Organization nor is under any ifigation.
Certificate of National Tax Number with the FBR and ith PRA for PST
List of fve (03) similar assignments in total undertaken during last ten
(10) years indicating project cost and cost of consultancy services, share
of asignment in case of JV, key staf time input and description of the
nature and scope of services along with startompletion date.
Audited slatements/neports of acournts (oertfed), annual turmover and
working capital for last 03 years.

List Snort Cs of key relevant stafpermanenty employed with the fm.
Total prolessional stength on pemanent rol f the fim (with more than
2 years stay with fim).

Further information and prequalification documents can be obtained from the
ofice of Chief Engineer, Iigation Potochar Zone Rawalpindi I Isamabad,
Imigation Department, Rawal Dam Colony, Islamabad and Executve Enginer,
Small Dams Division, Chakwal at District Complex on Chakwal-Talagarg
Road. The cost of PQD is Rs. 1500
The Selection of Consultants shall be prooessed in accordanoe wh the PPRA
Rules, 2014 amended up to date. The selection of Consutants would be done
in accordance with Quality and Cost Based Selection (CCBS)
The EOi (One original and three copies) must reach the offce of Chief
Engineer, Irigation Potchar Zone Rawalpindi Islamabad, lrigaion
Department Rawal Dam Colony, Islamabad (Ph# 061-9255749) up to
31.01.2023 at 1230 Hrs and wil te opened on same date at 13:00 Hrs
irigation Department will not reimburse any cost or expenses incured in
connection with preparationldelivery of EOl or vsits to any ofie or ste.
Procuring Agenoy may reject al proposals at ary time prior to acceptance of
bids or proposals in accordance with Clause 35 df PPRA Rules 2014.
10. Interested fims are advised to address their EOl subrmissions and enquiries to
the Chief Engineer, Irigation Ptohar Zone Rawalbindi / Islamabad, Irigaton
Department, Rawal Dam Colony, Islamabad.
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