Lab Equipment It Equipment Printer For 120 Pages, Laptop Scannes, Ete. Security Services For University Of Mansehra

Closing: Date: 13-12-2022

Tender Location: University of Mansehra

Phone: (021) 9926-1300-07, 

@ Aaj

Sealed bids are invited from reputed firms /suppliers/authorized dealers
registered with Tax Authorities and are on Active Taxpayers List (ATL) of FBR.
for the folowing tenders

Detailed specifications of the items as well as "Terms and conditions" for
the above mentioned tenders are gven in the Tender Documents. The
tender Documents can be obtained on payment of Rs 2,000/- (non-
refundable) in shape of Bark Draft, favoring the Treasurer Hazara University
Mansehra from Procurement Offce of the Unversityor can be downloaded
from bidders whose tender do not accompany
original Call Deposits wrill be considered non- responsive. The Bids complete
in all respect should reach the undersiened on or belore Tuesday, December
13, 2022, at 1300 hrs. The bids will be opened on the same date at 1130 hrs
in the presence of the bidders or their representative who wish to be

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